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Walters Ms. W.82, Psalter-Hours

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Text title


This manuscript was created ca. 1315-25 in the region of Ghent, likely for the woman depicted in the margin of fol. 171r. Combining both a Psalter and a Book of Hours, and including a series of hymns, this manuscript provided its owner with extensive texts for personal devotion. A series of thirty-three historiated initials provide visual associations with the readings, while its rich marginal drolleries would have delighted the reader. The illumination is in the style of the Master of the Copenhagen Hours (Copenhagen, Kongelige Bibliotek, MS. ThoU 547 4). Added prayers, as well as ownership inscriptions ranging from the fifteenth through twentieth centuries, attest to the long life and use of the manuscript.


Ca. 1315-1325 CE








The primary language in this manuscript is Latin.

Support material


Medium weight parchment, well prepared


Foliation: i+213+i

Flyleaves are modern parchment; two sets of modern pencil foliation: lower right corners versos, and upper right corners rectos (used here)


Formula: Quire 1: 14 (fols. 1-14); Quires 2-14: 12 (fols. 15-170); Quire 15: 6 (fols. 171-176); Quire 16: 14 (fols. 177-190); Quire 17: 6 (fols. 191-196); Quire 18: 14, lacking eighth folio (fols. 197-209); Quire 19: 6, lacking second, fourth, and fifth folios, and with seventh folio tipped in (fols. 210-213)

Catchwords: None

Signatures: None



11.1 cm wide by 16.2 cm high

Written surface

7.5 cm wide by 10.9 cm high

  1. Columns: 1
  2. Ruled lines: 22
  3. Ruled in plummet; layout does not apply to calendar (5 columns, written surface 9.4 x 11 cm)

fols. 1v - 213v:
  1. Title: Psalter-Hours
  2. Contents: Liturgical Psalter combined with Book of Hours and hymnal; added prayers at end
  3. Hand note: Textura quadrata; hand change at fol. 164v, line 12; additions to end of text in several later hands: fols. 212v-213r written in varying versions of textura, while fol. 213v written in littera batarda
  4. Decoration note: One historiated initial lacking after fol. 203r; thirty-three extant historiated initials (5-9 lines); enlarged decorated initials in burnished gold mark secondary text divisions (2-4 lines); small flourished gold initials throughout (1 line); some texts have decorative borders, often inhabited by drolleries; line fillers throughout in gold, blue, and rose; rubrics in red; text in black ink
fols. 1v - 13r:
  1. Title: Calendar
  2. Contents: Calendar half full; graded for monastic use in red and black; Egyptian verses, and some zodiac notations; feasts included emphasize diocese of Cambrai, with some Liège saints; of note are Odilo (Jan. 1), Remigius and Hilary (Jan. 14, normally Jan 19 and 13), Vincent (Jan. 22), Waldetrudis (Feb. 3), Landoald (Mar. 19), Walburga (May 1), Macarius (May 9), Relics of Peter Celestine (May 18, normally May 19), Augustine (May 26), Gurwal (June 6), Basil (June 14), Amalberga (July 10), Benedict (July 13), Wandregisil (July 22), Cucufas, James the Greater, and Christopher (July 25), Lawrence (Aug. 10), Gaugeric (Aug. 11), Philibert (Aug. 20), Dorothy (Sept. 9), Lambert (Sept. 17), Relics of St. Lawrence (Sept. 24), Winnoc and Leonard (Nov. 6), Willibrord (Nov. 7), Martin (Nov. 11), Andrew (Nov. 30), Agericus (Dec. 1), Autbert (Dec. 14), 'O sapientia' (Dec. 17)
fols. 15r - 126r:
  1. Title: Liturgical Psalter
  2. Incipit: Beatus vir
  3. Contents: Eight-partite liturgical psalter, with divisions at Psalms 1, 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, and 109
  4. Decoration note: Historiated initials mark liturgical psalms, fols. 15r, 31r, 42r, 52r, 62v, 75v, 87v, and 100r; marginalia and drolleries accompany initials
fols. 126r - 136v:
  1. Title: Canticles
  2. Rubric: Canticum ysaie prophete.
  3. Incipit: Confitebor tibi domine
fols. 137r - 141r:
  1. Title: Litany, petitions, and collects
  2. Incipit: Kyrieleyson
  3. Contents: Saints in Litany, fols. 137r-138v, reflect those in calendar, and include John the Baptist as "sancti patriarche et prophete;" sixteen apostles/disciples, from Peter to Mark; twenty-nine martyrs, including Lawrence, Marcellus, Gereon, Nicasius, Lambert, Livin, Marcellinus and Peter; thirty-seven confessors, including six popes from Silvester to Gregory, Peter Celestine, Silvinus, Eleutherius, Basil, Gaugeric, Autbert, Gudwal, Landoald, Ghislain, Bavo, Benedict, Bernard, Wandregisil, Philibert, Bertin, Winnoc, and Anthony; twenty-two virgins including Mary Magdalene, Mary Egyptian, Elizabeth, Reineldis, Rictrudis, Gertrude, Margaret, Aldegund, Walburga, Amalberga, Christina, and Ursula; fols. 138v-139v: petitions; fols. 139v-141r: collects
fols. 141r - 164v:
  1. Title: Hymns
  2. Rubric: Incipit hymnarium sancti Ambrosii episcopi. Omnibus sabbatis que sunt de hystoria cantata ad vesperos. exceptis illis de adventu. et de passione domini. Hymnus.
  3. Incipit: O lux beata trinitas
  4. Contents: Selection of hymns: fols. 141r-151r: attributed to St. Ambrose; fols. 151r-157r: for Vespers, Lauds, and nocturns on feast days from Dec. 6-Mar. 21; fols. 157r-164v: "Canticum" for Advent, Christmas, Quadragesima, apostles, martyrs, confessors, confessor-pope, virgins, Sundays, St. Michael
fols. 164v - 168v:
  1. Title: Office of the Dead
  2. Incipit: Dilexi quoniam
  3. Text note: Use of St.-Bavo, Ghent
  4. Decoration note: Historiated initial and marginalia fol. 164v
fols. 169r - 170v:
  1. Title: Commendation of souls
  2. Incipit: Subvenite sancti dei occurrite angeli
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initial and marginalia fol. 169r
fols. 171r - 190r:
  1. Title: Hours of the Virgin
  2. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initials and marginalia begin each hour, fols. 171r, 175r, 179v, 181v, 182v, 184r, 185r, and 188r
fols. 190r - 197r:
  1. Title: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit
  2. Rubric: Incipit ore de sancto spiritu.
  3. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  4. Decoration note: Historiated initials and marginalia fols. 190r, 191v, 192v, 193r-v, 194v, 195r, and 196r
fols. 197r - 202v:
  1. Title: Seven Penitential Psalms
  2. Rubric: Incipiunt .vii. psalmi.
  3. Incipit: Domine ne infurore
  4. Decoration note: Historiated initial and marginalia fol. 197r
fols. 202v - 203v:
  1. Title: Litany, petitions, and collects
  2. Incipit: Kyrieleyson
  3. Contents: Litany, fols. 202v-203r: twelve apostles from Peter to Barnabas; thirteen martyrs, including Quentinus, Livin, Dionysius; eleven confessors, which include three popes, Remigius, Vedastus, Bavo, Martin, Alexius, Amandus, Nicholas, Winnoc; thirteen virgins including Felicitas, Perpetua, Catherine, Margaret, Agnes (twice, as "Agneta" and "Agnes"), Spes, Fides, Karitas, Cecilia, Tecla, Amalberga, Elisabeth; fol. 203r-v: petitions; fol. 203v: collects
fols. 204r - 212r:
  1. Title: Long Hours of the Cross
  2. Incipit: ...[bene]dictionem amen
  3. Contents: Incomplete: missing eight folios at beginning of text; begins imperfectly with the end of text that precedes the first lesson in Matins
  4. Decoration note: Historiated initials and marginalia fols. 205v, 207r, 208v, 209v, 210v, and 211v
fols. 212v - 213v:
  1. Title: Three prayers
  2. Incipit: O ihesu xriste
  3. Contents: Three added prayers: the first added in the fourteenth century to the blank verso of fol. 212: Prayer to Christ (O ihesu xriste filii dei unigeniti qui descendisti de celo) with an invocation to the Virgin (Regina celi letare); the second and third prayers added on a tipped-in single folio in the fifteenth century (now fol. 213): fol. 213r: Post-communion prayer for St. Anthony (Prosit nobis ad salutem quesumus domine sacris); fol. 213v: Prayer to Christ ([D]omine ihesu xriste qui hanc sacratissimam)
  4. Hand note: Three different hands


fol. 15r:

  1. W.82, fol. 15r
  2. Title: Initial "B" with David playing the harp (above) and slaying Goliath (below); jousting knights in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "B," 8 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 1

fol. 31r:

  1. W.82, fol. 31r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with an enthroned David pointing to his eye before God; dogs attack unicorn in margins
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 26

fol. 42r:

  1. W.82, fol. 42r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with David standing, pointing to mouth before God
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 38

fol. 52r:

  1. W.82, fol. 52r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with a fool before David enthroned; man carrying horse on back in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 52

fol. 62v:

  1. W.82, fol. 62v
  2. Title: Initial "S" with David in the water below God, who blesses him; ape rides unicorn in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "S," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 68

fol. 75v:

  1. W.82, fol. 75v
  2. Title: Initial "E" with David ringing bells; apes trapping birds in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "E," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 80

fol. 87v:

  1. W.82, fol. 87v
  2. Title: Initial "C" with clerics singing at lectern; men climbing ladder to reach birds in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "C," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 97

fol. 100r:

  1. W.82, fol. 100r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with the Trinity; men and women at bathhouse in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 6 lines
  4. Text: Psalm 109

fol. 164v:

  1. W.82, fol. 164v
  2. Title: Initial "D" with draped casket and candles; reading women and digging man in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 7 lines
  4. Text: Office of the Dead: Vespers

fol. 169r:

  1. W.82, fol. 169r
  2. Title: Initial "S" with dying man receiving last rites from abbot; woman dances on shoulder of bagpipe player in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "S," 6 lines
  4. Text: Commendation of Souls

fol. 171r:

  1. W.82, fol. 171r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with the Annunciation; kneeling female donor in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 9 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Matins

fol. 175r:

  1. W.82, fol. 175r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with the Visitation; ape riding unicorn in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 6 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 179v:

  1. W.82, fol. 179v
  2. Title: Initial "D" with the Nativity; merman feeding stork with spoon and man sitting in basket of eggs in margins
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Prime

fol. 181v:

  1. W.82, fol. 181v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Annunciation to shepherd; flower-gatherer and hunter in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Terce

fol. 182v:

  1. W.82, fol. 182v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Adoration of the Magi; man combing hair and ape with crossbow in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Sext

fol. 184r:

  1. W.82, fol. 184r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Massacre of an Innocent; apes, owl, falconer, and dragon in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: None

fol. 185r:

  1. W.82, fol. 185r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Flight into Egypt; hunting scene in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 188r:

  1. W.82, fol. 188r
  2. Title: Initial “C” with Presentation in Temple; hunting scene in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “C,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Compline

fol. 190r:

  1. W.82, fol. 190r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Trinity; nude man with horn and apes in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 9 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Matins

fol. 191v:

  1. W.82, fol. 191v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; unicorn, mermaid, and hunting scene in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Lauds

fol. 192v:

  1. W.82, fol. 192v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; crane-headed woman, apes bowling with eggs in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Prime

fol. 193r:

  1. W.82, fol. 193r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; hybrid figures and apes in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Terce

fol. 193v:

  1. W.82, fol. 193v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; beggar, ape, and man with large coin in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Sext

fol. 194v:

  1. W.82, fol. 194v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; dragon with man's head and apes jousting in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: None

fol. 195r:

  1. W.82, fol. 195r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Vespers

fol. 196r:

  1. W.82, fol. 196r
  2. Title: Initial “C” with nimbed apostle and pseudo-inscribed scroll; warrior with sword and beast head, stork and ape in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “C,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Holy Spirit: Compline

fol. 197r:

  1. W.82, fol. 197r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with God blessing King David praying before altar; dragon and juggler in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 8 lines
  4. Text: Seven Penitential Psalms: Psalm 6

fol. 205v:

  1. W.82, fol. 205v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Christ before Pilate; unicorn, apes jousting, and hornplayer in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: Lauds

fol. 207r:

  1. W.82, fol. 207r
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Flagellation; beggars and ape in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: Prime

fol. 208v:

  1. W.82, fol. 208v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Christ carrying the Cross; cart driver and turreted city in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: Sext

fol. 209v:

  1. W.82, fol. 209v
  2. Title: Initial “D” with Crucifixion
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: None

fol. 210v:

  1. W.82, fol. 210v
  2. Title: Initial “D” Deposition; tall man with club, ape and hare in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “D,” 4 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: Vespers

fol. 211v:

  1. W.82, fol. 211v
  2. Title: Initial “C” with the Entombment; man playing harp in margin
  3. Form: Historiated initial “C,” 5 lines
  4. Text: Long Hours of the Cross: Compline


The binding is not original.

Green velvet binding by Léon Gruel, Paris, late nineteenth or early twentieth century; five cords re-sewn at what appear to be original places; page edges painted red; leather dealer tabs added


Created ca. 1315-25 for Benedictine use, in the region of Ghent and the diocese of Tournai based on the Use of the Office of the Dead; female lay owner possibly depicted in margin of fol. 171r; heraldic(?) markings on shields fols. 194v and 205v

Jacques Mauze(?), fifteenth century inscription on fols. 167r and 213v (latter now erased)

"Ex libris Crouzon," seventeenth- or eighteenth-century inscription on fol. 1r

G.E. Street, nineteenth-century ownership inscription on fol. 1r

Léon Gruel, Paris, late nineteenth or early twentieth century; his number, "No 46," inscribed on fol. 1r

Henry Walters, Baltimore, purchased from Gruel between 1895 and 1931


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters' bequest


De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Vol. 1. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1935; p. 773, cat. no. 99.

Janson, H.W. Apes and Ape Lore. London: Studies of the Warburg Institute, 1952; pp. 168, 188, 190, 193, 197, 198, Pl. xxvib.

Randall, Lilian M.C. "A Medieval Slander." Art Bulletin 42 (1960): 25-38; p. 27, Fig 1.

Randall, Lilian M.C. Images on the Margins of Gothic Manuscripts. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966; Figs. 10, 70, 82, 90, 391, 393, 581, 649.

Stones, M.A. "Illustrations of the French Prose Lancelot in Flanders, Belgium, and Paris, 1250-1340." PhD diss., University of London, 1970-1; pp. 225, 226, 232, 233, 238, 461, 472, 497, 507-511.

Helsinger, H. "Images on the Beatus Page of Some Medieval Psalters." Art Bulletin 53 (1971): 161-176; 171, 174, Fig. 15.

Verdier, Philippe. "Woman in the Marginalia of Gothic Manuscripts." In The Role of Woman in the Middle Ages, edited by Rosmarie Thee Morewedge, 121-160. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1972; pp. 132, 133, 136, 153, 155, 172, 175, Figs. 7, 11.

Randall, Lilian M.C. "Women in Manuscripts: Ms. in Miss." Bulletin of the Walters Art Gallery 28 (1975): 2-4; pp. 2-4, Fig. 4.

Freeman, Margaret B. The Unicorn Tapestries. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1976; pp. 41, 42, Figs. 32, 33.

Carlvant, K.B.E. "Collaboration in a Fourteenth Century Psalter: The Franciscan Iconographer and the Two Flemish Illuminators of MS 3384.8 in the Copenhagen Royal Library." Sacris Erudiri. Jaarboek voor Godsdienstwetneshappen 25 (1982): 135-166; pp. 136, 145, 149, 150.

Stones, M.A. "Notes on Three Illuminated Alexander Manuscripts." In The Medieval Alexander Legend and Romance Epic: Essays in Honor of David J. A. Ross, edited by P. Noble, L. Polak, and C.C. Isoz, 193-241. Millwood, NY: Kraus International Publication, 1982; p. 206.

Stones, M.A. "Another Short Note on Rylands French 1." Romanesque and Gothic: Essays for George Zarnecki, edited by N. Stratford. Woodbridge, Suffolk, and Wolfeboro, NH: Boydell Press, 1987; pp. 188-190.

Camille, M. Images on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art. London: Reaktion Books, 1992; p. 133, Fig. 70.

Smeyers, M, et. al. Naer natueren ghelike: Vlaamse minaturen voor van Eyck. Louvain, 1993; pp. 71, 125.

Carlvant, K. Exhibition Catalogue: Gent duizend jaar: p. 349, reference under 575.

Bousmanne, Bernard. Item à Guillaume Wyelant aussi enlumineur: Willem Vrelant, un aspect de l'enluminure dans les Pays-Bas méridionaux sous le mécénat des ducs de Bourgogne Philippe le Bon et Charles le Téméraire. Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 1997; p. 356 (n. 14).

Randall, Lilian M. C. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery. Vol. 3, Belgium, 1250-1530. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1997: pp. 77-85, cat. no. 225.

Smeyers, Mauritius. Flemish Miniatures from the 8th to the mid-16th Century: The Medieval World on Parchment. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 1999; pp. 114 (fig. 1), 115, 172 (n. 63 for p. 141).

Gy, Pierre-Marie. "Bulletin de liturgie." Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 84 (2000): 513-544; p. 520.

Barasch, Moshe. Blindness: The History of a Mental Image in Western Thought. New York: Routledge, 2001; pp. 100-101, 173 (n. 79).

Joslin, Mary Coker, and Carolyn Coker Joslin Watson. The Egerton Genesis. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001; pp. 52-53 (fig. 21), 87, 91, 97-98, 101, 130, 132, 176-177, 203-204, 206-207, 209, 210 (figs. 73-74), 211, 213, 218-220, 222-224, 226-227, 233, 240-241.

Moore, Elizabeth B. "The Urban Fabric and Framework of Ghent in the Margins of Oxford, Bodleian LIbrary, MSS Douce 5-6." In "Als Ich Can": Liber Amicorum in Memory of Professor Dr. Maurits Smeyers, edited by Bert Cardon, Jan Van der Stock, and Dominique Vanwijnsberghe, 983-1006, vol. 2. Leuven: Peeters Press, 2002; p. 985 (n. 13).

Nevins Teresa. "Book of Hours." In Medieval Mastery: Book Illumination from Charlemagne to Charles the Bold (800-1475). Edited by William Noel and Lee Preedy. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2002; pp. 236-37, cat. no. 54.

Gil, Marc, and Ludovic Nys. Saint-Omer gothique: les arts figuratifs à Saint-Omer à la fin du Moyen Âge, 1250-1550 : peinture, vitrail, sculpture, arts du livre. Valenciennes Cedex: Presses Universitaires deValenciennes, 2004; p. 76.

Kessler, Herbert L. Seeing Medieval Art. Ontario: Broadview Press, Ltd, 2004; p. 139.

Mellinkoff, Ruth. Averting Demons. Los Angeles: Mellinkoff Publications, 2004; p. 151 (fig. VII.8).

Mellinkoff, Ruth. "Break a Leg!" In Tributes in Honor of Jonathan J.G. Alexander: The Making and Meaning of Illuminated Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts, Art, and Architecture. Edited by Susan L’Engle and Gerald B. Gest, 233-248. Turnhout, Belgium: Harvey Miller Publishers, 2006; p. 243.

Metzler, Irina. Disability in Medieval Europe: Thinking about Physical Impairment during the High Middle Ages, c. 1100-1400. Oxford: Routledge, 2006; p. 327 (n. 427 for page 175).

Les marges à drôleries des manuscrits gothiques, 1250-1350. Geneva: Librairie Droz, 2008; pp. 69, 113, 116-117, 123, 133, 147, 202, 314, 344, 354, 356.

Stones, Alison. "Manuscripts, Illuminated." In The New Arthurian Encyclopedia: Updated Paperback Edition. Edited by Norris J. Lacy, Geoffrey Ashe, Sandra Ness Ihle, Marianne E. Kalinke, Raymond H. Thompson, 299-308. NY: Routledge, 2008; p. 306.

Hourihane, Colum. Pontius Pilate: Anti-semitism, and the Passion in Medieval Art. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009; p. 304.

Leo, Dominic. Images, Texts, and Marginalia in a "Vows of the Peacock" Manuscript (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library MS G24). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers, 2013; pp. 53 (n. 12), 347.


Principal cataloger: Randall, Lilian M.C.

Cataloger: Herbert, Lynley

Editor: Herbert, Lynley

Copy editor: Dibble, Charles

Conservators: Owen, Linda; Quandt, Abigail

Contributors: Emery, Doug; Herbert, Lynley; Izer, Emily; Noel, William; Schuele, Allyson; Tabritha, Ariel; Toth, Michael B.; Wiegand, Kimber


The Walters Art Museum


Licensed for use under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Access Rights, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode. It is requested that copies of any published articles based on the information in this data set be sent to the curator of manuscripts, The Walters Art Museum, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.