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Walters Ms. W.731, Single leaf from a short work on the Passion of Christ

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Single leaf from a short work on the Passion of Christ

Text title
De Septem Stationibus Passionis Christi


This leaf, created in southern Germany ca. 1475, contains illustrations to the Sext and None segments of De Septem Stationibus Passionis Christi. This anonymous text, written in rhymed verse, was often appended to the Speculum Humanae Salvationis, which may have ultimately been the context for this leaf. The effect of the images, written and illuminated on paper with heavy ink outlines and washes of color, closely resembles that of colored woodcuts from the same period.


Ca. 1475 CE


Southern Germany






The primary language in this manuscript is Latin.

Support material


Fifteenth-century laid paper with watermark


Foliation: None - single leaf


Formula: Not applicable



19.2 cm wide by 29.2 cm high

Written surface

13.0 cm wide by 23.0 cm high

  1. Columns: 1
  2. Ruled lines: 25

fols. W.731r - W.731v:
  1. Title: De Septem Stationibus Passionis Christi
  2. Incipit: ....sed sine omni flagello ad aeternam gloriam perveniam
  3. Contents: Fragment from lines 154-203 in Lutz and Perdrizet edition, incorporating the last three lines of Hora tertia, Hora sexta, and the first 21 lines of Hora nona, ending "O pie domine rogo te per mortem tuam amarissimam"
  4. Hand note: Cursive hybrid book script
  5. Decoration note: Two half-page miniatures, ink drawings with watercolor washes in red, blue, green, pink, and yellow; capitals at beginnings of lines struck with red, with fully red capital beginning fourth line; rubrics in red; text in black ink


fol. W.731r:

  1. W.731, fol. W.731r
  2. Title: Carrying the cross
  3. Form: Half-page miniature
  4. Text: De Septem Stationibus Passionis Christi: Sext

fol. W.731v:

  1. W.731, fol. W.731v
  2. Title: Crucifixion
  3. Form: Half-page miniature
  4. Text: De Septem Stationibus Passionis Christi: None


Created as part of a book, possibly appended to a copy of the Speculum Humanae Salvationis, ca. 1475, southern Germany

Reused in a binding at an unknown date

Jacques Rosenthal collection, Munich, Germany, before 1930

Fred Werther, Baltimore, purchased from Rosenthal, ca. 1930

Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, purchased from Werther, 1945


Museum purchase in 1945


Lutz, J., and P. Perdrizet, Speculum Humanae Salvationis. Leipzig: Mulhouse, 1907, pp. 90-91.

Faye, C. U., and W. H. Bond. Supplement to the Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. New York: Bibliographical Society of America, 1962, p. 197, no. 558.

Miner, Dorothy. "Since de Ricci--Western Illuminated Manuscripts Acquired since 1934: A Report in Two Parts: Part 1." Journal of the Walters Art Gallery 29-30 (1966): pp. 68-103, p. 100, fig. 22.

"Bulletin Codicologique." Scriptorium 26 (1972): pp. 130-246, p. 208, no. 402.


Cataloger: Walters Art Museum curatorial staff and researchers since 1934

Editors: Herbert, Lynley; Noel, William

Copy editors: Bockrath, Diane; Dibble, Charles

Conservators: Owen, Linda; Quandt, Abigail

Contributors: Bockrath, Diane; Dutschke, Consuelo; Emery, Doug; Hamburger, Jeffrey; Noel, William; Tabritha, Ariel; Toth, Michael B.


The Walters Art Museum


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