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Walters Ms. W.667, Commentary on select verses of the Koran

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Commentary on select verses of the Koran

Text title
el-Naẓm ül-mubīn fī l-āyāt il-erbeʿīn

Vernacular: النظم المبين في الايات الاربعين


Authority name: Okçuzade Mehmet Şahı̂, d. 1629

As-written name: Muḥammed bin Muḥammed Ūḳçīzāde

Name, in vernacular: محمد بن محمد اوقچي زاده

Known as: Okçizade

Note: Author dates preferred by cataloger: d. 1039 AH / 1629 CE


This manuscript is an Ottoman Turkish commentary on forty verses of the Qur'an with hadith and verse citations by Okçuzade Mehmet Şahî (d. 1039 AH / 1629 CE), copied in the eleventh century AH / seventeenth CE. The text is written in naskh script in black and red ink. The bequest (waqf) stamp of al-Wazīr al-Shahīd ‘Alī Pāshā, dated 1130 AH, appears on fols. 1a, 1b, and 2a. The name of a former owner, Sayyid Burhān al-Dīn, and his seal dated 1039 AH is found on fol. 1a. The text begins with an illuminated incipit with headpiece (fol. 1b). The dark brown goatskin binding with central lobed medallion filled with floral scroll work and outlined in gold is contemporary with the manuscript.


11th century AH / 17th CE








The primary language in this manuscript is Turkish, Ottoman (1500-1928).

Support material


Light green, creamy, and rose-tinted paper; laid European and non-European paper


Foliation: ii+449+ii

Two foliations present: original foliation in Hindu-Arabic and recent foliation in pencil


Catchwords: On versos


13.5 cm wide by 24.5 cm high

Written surface

8.5 cm wide by 18.0 cm high

  1. Columns: 1
  2. Ruled lines: 21
  3. Framing lines in red; framing lines on fols. 1b-2a in gold and black ink

fols. 1b - 449b:
  1. Title: el-Naẓm ül-mubīn fī l-āyāt il-erbeʿīn
  2. Author: Okçuzade Mehmet Şahı̂, d. 1629
  3. Incipit: حمد وافر فراوان وشكر وستايش...
  4. Hand note: Written in naskh script in black and red ink
  5. Decoration note: Illuminated incipit with headpiece (fol. 1b); framing lines in gold and black ink (fols. 1b-2a); framing lines in red throughout


Upper board outside:

  1. W.667, Upper board outside
  2. Title: Binding
  3. Form: Binding

fol. 1b:

  1. W.667, fol. 1b
  2. Title: Incipit page with illuminated headpiece and bequest (waqf) stamp
  3. Form: Incipit; headpiece
  4. Label: This incipit page has an illuminated headpiece and the bequest (waqf) stamp of the Vizier al-Shahīd ʿAlī Pāshā, dated 1130 AH.


The binding is original.

Dark brown goatskin (with flap); large central lobed medallion with floral scroll work outlined in gold; some repairs


Bequest (waqf) stamp of al-Wazīr al-Shahīd ʿAlī Pāshā, dated 1130 AH (fols. 1a, 1b, and 2a)

Former owner: Sayyid Burhān al-Dīn and his seal, dated 1039 AH (fol. 1a)


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters bequest


Sohrweide, Hanna. Türkische Handschriften. (Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1981), no. 13.


Principal cataloger: Gacek, Adam

Catalogers: Landau, Amy; Smith, Sita

Editor: Bockrath, Diane

Conservators: Jewell, Stephanie; Quandt, Abigail

Contributors: Barrera, Christina; Emery, Doug; Herbert, Lynley; Noel, William; Simpson, Shreve; Tabritha, Ariel; Toth, Michael B.; Valle, Chiara


The Walters Art Museum


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