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Walters Ms. W.215, Book of Hours with Premonstratensian connections

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Book of Hours with Premonstratensian connections

Text title
Book of Hours


This Book of Hours was created ca. 1400-1415 in either Flanders or Artois. There are twenty-three miniatures, six historiated initials, and drolleries, the latter found mainly on pages with historiated initials. The Hours of the Virgin are connected to the collegiate church of St. Pierre in Lille, as evinced by the hymn "Ueni Creator" at Lauds and None, as well as the antiphon "Cum iocunditate" at Compline. The book also contains an Office of the Dead that corresponds to Premostratensian use, and a Prayer to Christ that contains an introductory attribution to Friar Bertrant, priest and cardinal at an unidentified foundation dedicated to St. Cecilia. Additionally, the Suffrages are interpolated throughout the Hours of the Virgin from Lauds to Compline.


Ca. 1400-1415 CE


Flanders or Artois






The primary language in this manuscript is Latin.

Support material


Thin to medium weight, well selected and prepared


Foliation: iv+181+iii

Two sets of pencil foliation in upper right corners, rectos: older, larger foliation below modern, smaller foliation (used here)


Formula: Quire 1: 4 (fols. 1-4); Quire 2: 10, with ninth and tenth folios missing (fols. 5-12); Quire 3: 1, probably singleton (fol. 13); Quire 4: 6 (fols. 14-19); Quires 5-6: 8 (fols. 20-35); Quire 7: 8, with fourth and fifth folios missing (fols. 36-41); Quires 8-12: (fols. 42-81); Quire 13: 8, with fourth and fifth folios missing (fols. 82-87); Quire 14: 8 (fols. 88-95); Quire 15: 6 (fols. 96-101); Quire 16: 8 (102-109); Quire 17: 10 (fols. 110-119); Quire 18: 6 (fols. 120-125); Quire 19: 8 (fols. 126-133); Quire 20: 6 (fols. 134-139); Quires 21-23: 8 (fols. 140-163); Quire 24: 6 (fols. 164- 169); Quire 25: 8 (fols. 170-177); Quire 26: 4 (fols. 178-181)

Signatures: Mostly cropped and in black ink



9.8 cm wide by 13.5 cm high

Written surface

5.4 cm wide by 7.0 cm high

  1. Columns: 1
  2. Ruled lines: 14
  3. Layout does not apply to calendar: written space 5.5 x 7.4 cm; 5 columns of 16-18 lines; text including calendar ruled in light brown ink

fols. 1r - 181v:
  1. Title: Book of Hours
  2. Hand note: Written in textura
  3. Decoration note: Six historiated initials (5-12 lines); twenty-three miniatures (6-10 lines); decorated illuminated initials at major text openings (3-8 lines); flourished initials at secondary text divisions and at "K L" in calendar (3 lines); borders on pages with miniatures, as well as historiated and decorated initials; drolleries appear with historiated initials; occasional line fillers throughout; rubrics in red, text in brown ink
fols. 1r - 13v:
  1. Title: Calendar
  2. Rubric: Januarius habet dies xxxi luna xxx
  3. Contents: Calendar partially filled and ends imperfectly; contains Egyptian verses on first line for each month; contents suggest Western Flanders and Western France; saints of note include: Julianus (Jan. 8, preceded on same line by Lucianus 'presbiteri' Beauvais), Launomar (Jan. 19), Julianus (Jan. 27), Hilary (Jan. 28), Gumgaldi (Mar. 2), Easter (Mar. 28), Florentius (May 2, Nantes), Majolus (May 11), Austregesil (May 20), Gervasius (May 28), Simplicianus (May 30, Poitiers, usually May 31), Achatius (Jun. 22), Cyprian (Jul. 14, Poitiers), Genesius (Aug. 25), Paul (Aug. 31), Eulalia (Oct. 10), Lupus (Oct. 17), Martin (Oct. 24, abbot), Vincent (Oct. 27), Maclovius (Nov. 15), Risaurus and Maurus (Dec. 1), Benedict (Dec. 4, abbot, translation)
fols. 14r - 19v:
  1. Title: Devotional sequence
  2. Incipit: Pater noster qui es in celis
  3. Contents: Fols. 14r-16r: Our Father, Ave Maria, Creeds, four prayers; fols. 16r-17r: Five Joys of the Virgin, prayer, closing invocations; fols. 17r-18r: Prayer for salvation; fol. 19r-v: Communion prayer
  4. Decoration note: Decorated initial and border with drolleries on fol. 14r
fols. 20r - 73v:
  1. Title: Hours of the Virgin, with suffrages
  2. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  3. Contents: Suffrages dispersed within, beginning at end of Lauds and ending at Compline; fols. 20r-38v: Matins through Lauds; fols. 39r-46r: Lauds, including on fol. 39r: suffrage to John the Baptist; fol. 40r: suffrage to Saint Nicholas; fol. 40v: suffrage to Mary Magdalene; fol. 41v: suffrage to Twelve Apostles; fols. 46v-50r: Prime: fol. 46v: suffrage to All Angels; fol. 47v: suffrage to St. John the Evangelist; fols. 50v-54r: Terce: fol. 50v: suffrage to Holy Sacrament; fol. 51v: suffrage to St. Andrew; fols. 54v-58r: Sext: fol. 54v: suffrage to the Cross; fol. 55v: suffrage to Martyrs; fols. 58v-65r: None: fol. 58v: suffrage to Saints Peter and Paul; fols. 59v: suffrage to St. Catherine; fols. 65v-72r: Vespers: fol. 65v: suffrage to St. Stephen; fol. 66v: suffrage to St. Christopher; fol. 67r: suffrage to St. Margaret; fol. 68r: suffrage to Confessors; fol. 68v: suffrage to Virgins; fols. 72v-73v: Compline: fol. 72v: suffrage to St. Sebastian; fol. 73v: suffrage to All Saints
  4. Decoration note: Miniatures on fols. 20r, 39r, 40v, 46v, 50v, 51v, 54v, 58v, 65v, 67r, 68v and 72v
fols. 74r - 101r:
  1. Title: Office of the Dead
  2. Rubric: Incipiunt vigilie pro defunctis. antiphona. psalmus
  3. Incipit: Placebo domino. Dilexi quoniam
  4. Contents: Fols. 74r-101v: Office of the Dead; fols. 100r-101r: four collects
  5. Decoration note: Historiated initial on fol. 74r
fols. 102r - 119v:
  1. Title: Hours of the Holy Spirit
  2. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initial on fol. 102r
fols. 120r - 125v:
  1. Title: Hours of the Cross
  2. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  3. Decoration note: Miniature on fol. 120r, drolleries on fols. 120r and 124r
fols. 126r - 136r:
  1. Title: Seven Penitential Psalms
  2. Incipit: Domine ne in furore
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initial fol. 126r
fols. 136r - 139r:
  1. Title: Litany, petitions and collects
  2. Incipit: Kyrieleyson
  3. Contents: Fols. 136r-138r: Litany, particular to Northern France, including eleven apostles from Peter to Matthew; eleven martyrs, including Cornelius, Cyprian, Sebastian, George, Christopher, Valentine, Cosmas and Eustace; eight confessors, including Gaugeric, Amandus and Vedast; eleven virgins, including Mary Magdalene, Mary Egyptian, Catherine, Lucy, Barbara, Margaret, Elizabeth, Agatha, Agnes, Dorothy and Martha; fols. 138r-139r: petitions, followed by invocations; fol. 139r: two collects, headed "Deus cui proprium est miserere simul"
fols. 140r - 157v:
  1. Title: Devotional sequence
  2. Incipit: Miserere nobis domine miserere nobis
  3. Contents: Fols. 140r-141v: two prayers; fols. 141v-142v: Passion according to John, excerpts from John 19.1-35; fols. 142v-148r: communion prayers, headed "Deus qui manus tuas et pedes tuos et totum corpus tuum"; fols. 148r-153v: three prayers to the Virgin and God; fol. 153v: two prayers, to Christ as savior and to Christ's blood; fols. 153v-157v: prayer to gardian angel and creed
fols. 157v - 163r:
  1. Title: Gospel sequences
  2. Contents: Fols. 157v-159r: Luke 1.26-38; fols. 159r-160v: Matthew 2.1-12; fols. 160v-161v: Mark 16.14-20; fols. 161v-163r: John 1.1-14
  3. Decoration note: Miniatures on fols. 157v, 159r, 160v and 161v
fols. 164r - 181v:
  1. Title: Devotional sequence
  2. Rubric: Oracio de beata maria
  3. Incipit: Salve regina misericordie vita dulcedo et spes nostra
  4. Contents: Fols. 164r-172r: four prayers to the virgin; fols. 172r-178r: prayer to Christ, attributed to Friar Bertrand, priest at St. Cecilia; fols. 178r-181v: prayer to God
  5. Decoration note: Historiated initial on fol. 164r


fol. 20r:

  1. W.215, fol. 20r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with Crowned Virgin and Child
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D"; full page
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Matins

fol. 39r:

  1. W.215, fol. 39r
  2. Title: St. John Baptist
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 39v:

  1. W.215, fol. 39v
  2. Title: St. Nicholas
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 40v:

  1. W.215, fol. 40v
  2. Title: St. Mary Magdalene
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 41r:

  1. W.215, fol. 41r
  2. Title: Twelve Apostles
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 46v:

  1. W.215, fol. 46v
  2. Title: Seven Archangels
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Prime

fol. 47r:

  1. W.215, fol. 47r
  2. Title: St. John the Evangelist
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Prime

fol. 50v:

  1. W.215, fol. 50v
  2. Title: Priest at Mass
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Terce

fol. 51v:

  1. W.215, fol. 51v
  2. Title: St. Andrew
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Terce

fol. 54v:

  1. W.215, fol. 54v
  2. Title: Crucifixion
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Sext

fol. 55r:

  1. W.215, fol. 55r
  2. Title: Seven martyr saints
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Sext

fol. 58v:

  1. W.215, fol. 58v
  2. Title: SS. Peter and Paul
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: None

fol. 59v:

  1. W.215, fol. 59v
  2. Title: St. Catherine
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: None

fol. 65v:

  1. W.215, fol. 65v
  2. Title: St. Stephen martyred
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 66r:

  1. W.215, fol. 66r
  2. Title: St. Christopher carrying Christ-Child
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 67r:

  1. W.215, fol. 67r
  2. Title: St. Margaret issuing from dragon
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 67v:

  1. W.215, fol. 67v
  2. Title: Seven confessor saints
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 68v:

  1. W.215, fol. 68v
  2. Title: Ten virgin saints
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 72v:

  1. W.215, fol. 72v
  2. Title: St. Sebastian martyred
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Compline

fol. 73r:

  1. W.215, fol. 73r
  2. Title: All Saints (thirteen)
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Compline

fol. 74r:

  1. W.215, fol. 74r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with funeral service
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 9 lines
  4. Text: Office of the Dead

fol. 102r:

  1. W.215, fol. 102r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with the Trinity
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 8 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Holy Spirit

fol. 120r:

  1. W.215, fol. 120r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with Christ carrying cross
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 9 lines
  4. Text: Hours of the Cross

fol. 126r:

  1. W.215, fol. 126r
  2. Title: Initial "D" with Christ as judge
  3. Form: Historiated initial "D," 10 lines
  4. Text: Seven Penitential Psalms

fol. 157v:

  1. W.215, fol. 157v
  2. Title: Ox symbol of Luke
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Gospel Sequences: Luke

fol. 159r:

  1. W.215, fol. 159r
  2. Title: Angel symbol of Matthew
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Gospel sequences: Matthew

fol. 160v:

  1. W.215, fol. 160v
  2. Title: Lion symbol of Mark
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Gospel sequences: Mark

fol. 161v:

  1. W.215, fol. 161v
  2. Title: Eagle symbol of John
  3. Form: Miniature
  4. Text: Gospel sequences: John

fol. 164r:

  1. W.215, fol. 164r
  2. Title: Initial "S" with Pieta
  3. Form: Historiated initial "S," 9 lines
  4. Text: Devotional sequence: Four prayers to the Virgin


The binding is not original.

Early eighteenth century re-binding from France; dark red leather boards with gold-tooled edges; flat spine with five raised bands and gilt title "HEVRES/ ANTIQV"; gilt name "REBOVCH" at tail of spine suggests it was rebound by early eighteenth century owner Fr. Claude Reboucher, who inscribed his name and the date 1724 on front flyleaf iv, verso; gilt edges


Created ca. 1400-1415, either Flanders or Artois, for liturgical use associated with St.-Pierre in Lille as well as the Premonstratensian Order

"Capitaine Frouard," 1585, inscription on front flyleaf iv

"Sigisbert Nicolas Charrouyer" seventeenth century inscription on fol. 1r

"Fr. Claude Reboucher... Curia senator," 1724, his inscription on front flyleaf iv, verso

Léon Gruel, Paris bookbinder and bookseller, before 1903; Gruel and Engelmann bookplate inscribed "No. 86" on front pastedown

Henry Walters, Baltimore, June 1903, purchased from Gruel


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters' bequest


De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Vol. 1. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1935; p. 787, cat. no. 188.

Meiss, M., Painting in Florence and Siena after the Black Death, Princeton, 1951, p. 142

Walters Art Gallery. The International Style: The Arts in Europe Around 1400. Baltimore: Walters Art Gallery, 1962. p. 66, cat. no. 62, plate XLVI

Owens, M.B., "Musical Subjects in the Illumination of Books of Hours from Fifteenth-Century France and Flanders," PhD diss., University of Chicago, 1987, p. 47, 189

Wieck, Roger S. Time Sanctified. The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life. New York: George Braziller. 1988. p. 114, 208-209, cat. no. 81, fig. 91, fol. 65v

Randall, Lilian M. C. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery. Vol. 3. Belgium, 1250-1530. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1989; pp. 91-97, cat. no. 227; figs. 437, 438.

Ottosen, K. The Responsories and Versicale of the Latin Office of the Dead. 1993.

Gil, Marc, and Ludovic Nys. Saint-Omer gothique: Les arts figuratifs à Saint-Omer à la fin du Moyen Âge, 1250-1550: Peinture, vitrail, sculpture, arts du livre. Valenciennes: Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 2004; p. 76.

Marrow, James H., Brigitte Dekeyzer, and Jan Van Der Stock. Pictorial Invention in the Netherlandish Manuscript Illumination of the Late Middle Ages: The Play of Illusion and Meaning. Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2005; pp. 7, 12, 35 (n. 25).

Ottosen, Knud. The Responsories and Versicles of the Latin Office of the Dead. Norderstedt, Germany: Books on Demand, 2007; pp. viii, 176, 345.

Bousmanne, Bernard, and Thierry Delcourt (Eds.). Miniatures flamandes 1404-1482. Belgium: Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 2011, p. 22, illust. no. 4, fol. 120r


Principal cataloger: Randall, Lilian M.C.

Cataloger: Ransom, Allison

Editor: Herbert, Lynley

Copy editor: Dibble, Charles

Conservators: Owen, Linda; Quandt, Abigail

Contributors: Emery, Doug; Mergen, Christopher; Noel, William; Tabritha, Ariel; Toth, Michael B.; Wiegand, Kimber


The Walters Art Museum


Licensed for use under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Access Rights, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode. It is requested that copies of any published articles based on the information in this data set be sent to the curator of manuscripts, The Walters Art Museum, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.