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Walters Ms. W.176, Suchtelen Hours

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Suchtelen Hours

Text title
Suchtelen Hours


The Suchtelen Hours is a fine example of artists working in the style of the Master of the Prayerbooks ca. 1500. The book is believed to have been produced in Bruges and owned by someone associated with the Franciscan order and the Utrecht diocese. The nine extant, full-page, highly detailed miniatures exhibit clarity of forms and a vivid color palette. Of particular interest are the border illuminations that appear either surrounding the miniatures or as strips running along the sides of the text. Illusionistic flowers, insects, and animals lend to the charm of the manuscript, and speak to the skill of the artist.


Ca. 1500








The primary language in this manuscript is Latin.

Support material


Well-selected and prepared but very thin parchment; surface has a satin quality; thicker folios used for inserted full-page miniatures


Foliation: iii+164+ii

Front flyleaf iii is not foliated, but is structurally part of first quire and should therefore have been counted as a folio


Formula: Quire 1: 8, with first folio cancelled that was presumably front flyleaf or pastedown (fols. 1-7); Quire 2: 6 (fols. 8-13); Quire 3: 8, with first folio cancelled and second folio added after fol. 13 (fols. 14-21); Quire 4: 8 (fols. 22-29); Quire 5: 8 (fols. 30-37); Quire 6: 8, with second folio added (fols. 38-46); Quire 7: 8 (fols. 47-54); Quire 8: 8, with first and eighth folios added (fols. 55-64); Quire 9: 4 (fols. 65-68); Quire 10: 8, with first and eighth folios added (fols. 69-78); Quire 11: 8, with fourth(?) folio cancelled and fifth folio added after fol. 82 (fols 79-86); Quire 12: 8, with eighth folio added (fols. 87-95); Quire 13: 6 (fols. 96-101); Quire 14: 8, with first folio added (fols. 101-110); Quire 15: 8, with stub after fol. 112v (fols. 111-118); Quire 16: 4 (fols. 119-122); Quires 17-18: 8 (fols. 123-152); Quire 19: 8 (fols. 153-160); Quire 20: 4 (fols. 161-164)

Catchwords: Appear written vertically along the lower side of spine-edge throughout the beginning and end of the text (eg. fol. 18v), light brown ink; resemble the catchwords found in Vat. Ross. 94 (cf. III. 2,4)

Signatures: Possible signature in brown ink on lower right of August calendar page (fol. 8r) but could also be the name of the month

Comments: Images inserted


5.2 cm wide by 7.5 cm high

Written surface

2.5 cm wide by 3.8 cm high

  1. Columns: 1
  2. Ruled lines: 15
  3. Layout does not apply to calendar: 2.7 x 4.0 cm, 3 columns of 17 lines

fols. 1v - 164v:
  1. Title: Suchtelen Hours
  2. Hand note: Italianate gotica rotunda
  3. Decoration note: Nine full-page miniatures on versos of inserted folios; twenty calendar illustrations; fourteen historiated initials (8 lines); illusionistic borders with flowers and wildlife throughout; liquid gold decorated initials; red and blue line fillers with gold decoration; rubrics in red; text in brown ink
fols. 1v - 11v:
  1. Title: Calendar
  2. Rubric: Januarius xxxi et luna xxx
  3. Contents: Calendar two-thirds full; graded in rose and brown ink; contents indicate Utrecht diocese and connection with Franciscan order; saints of note include: Isidore (Jan. 7), Julianus (Jan. 9), Agatha "Aghate" (Feb. 5), Dorothy (Feb. 12), Anthony of Padua (Feb. 15), Seventy-nine Martyrs (Feb. 21), Cyprian (Mar. 21), Gorgonius (Mar. 11), Hilary (Mar. 16), Ludger (Mar. 26), Gregory I (Mar. 29), Firminus (Apr. 6), Mark (May 18), Rogatus "Rogatini" (June 10), Willibald (July 7), Gereon (Aug. 17), Othger "Otgeri" (Sept. 10), Clare (Oct. 2, translation Franciscan), Three hundred Moorish Martyrs "Maurorum M." (Oct. 15), Chrysanthus and Daria "Crisati and darie" (Oct. 25), Valentine (Dec. 16)
  4. Text note: Missing two folios that would have included second half of April to the first half of May and second half of November to first half of December
  5. Decoration note: Twenty illustrations of labors of the months and zodiac in bottom borders; illusionistic borders surrounding text with flowers and wildlife
fols. 12r - 27v:
  1. Title: Mass of the Virgin
  2. Rubric: Incipit missa beate virginis
  3. Incipit: Et introibo ad altare dei
fols. 28v - 123v:
  1. Title: Hours of the Virgin
  2. Rubric: Incipiunt hore beate marie virginis secundum usum Romanum. Ad Matutinas
  3. Incipit: Domine labia mea
  4. Contents: Use of Rome
  5. Decoration note: Eight full-page miniatures on versos of inserted pages, fols. 28v, 56v, 74v, 82v, 89v, 96v, 103v, and 115v
fols. 124v - 143v:
  1. Title: Advent Office of the Virgin
  2. Rubric: Incipit officium gloriosissime marie virginis quod dicitur per totum adventum ad vesperas
  3. Incipit: Deus adjutorium meum
  4. Hand note: One full-page miniature, fol. 124v
fols. 144r - 148v:
  1. Title: Prayer to the Virgin
  2. Incipit: O intemerata
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initial fol. 144r
fols. 149r - 151v:
  1. Title: Prayer to Christ
  2. Incipit: O bone Iesu o dulcissime iesu o piissime iesu
  3. Decoration note: Historiated initial fol. 149r
fols. 152r - 164v:
  1. Title: Suffrages
  2. Rubric: De sancto michaele antiphone
  3. Incipit: Michael archangele
  4. Contents: Nine prayers to male saints: SS. Michael, John the Baptist, Peter and Paul, James the Greater, Christopher, Sebastian, Blasius, Anthony of Padua, and Francis; three prayers to female saints: Catherine, Barbara, and Mary Magdalene
  5. Decoration note: Historiated initials fols. 152r, 153r, 154r, 155r, 156r, 157r, 158r, 159v, 160v, 161v, 162v, and 163v


fol. 1v:

  1. W.176, fol. 1v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man feasting
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: January

fol. 2r:

  1. W.176, fol. 2r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Aquarius
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: January

fol. 2v:

  1. W.176, fol. 2v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man pruning
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: February

fol. 3r:

  1. W.176, fol. 3r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Pisces
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: February

fol. 3v:

  1. W.176, fol. 3v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man digging
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: March

fol. 4r:

  1. W.176, fol. 4r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Aries
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: March

fol. 4v:

  1. W.176, fol. 4v
  2. Title: Labor of the Month: Man with branch
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: April

fol. 5r:

  1. W.176, fol. 5r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Gemini
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: May

fol. 5v:

  1. W.176, fol. 5v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man scything
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: June

fol. 6r:

  1. W.176, fol. 6r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Cancer
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Zodiac: July

fol. 6v:

  1. W.176, fol. 6v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man reaping
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: July

fol. 7r:

  1. W.176, fol. 7r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Leo
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: July

fol. 7v:

  1. W.176, fol. 7v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man threshing
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: August

fol. 8r:

  1. W.176, fol. 8r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Virgo
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: August

fol. 8v:

  1. W.176, fol. 8v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man crushing grapes
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: September

fol. 9r:

  1. W.176, fol. 9r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Libra
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: September

fol. 9v:

  1. W.176, fol. 9v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man sowing
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: October

fol. 10r:

  1. W.176, fol. 10r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Scorpio
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: October

fol. 10v:

  1. W.176, fol. 10v
  2. Title: Labors of the Months: Man beating acorns
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: November

fol. 11r:

  1. W.176, fol. 11r
  2. Title: Zodiac: Capricorn
  3. Form: Border illustration
  4. Text: Calendar: December

fol. 28v:

  1. W.176, fol. 28v
  2. Title: Annunciation
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Matins

fol. 56v:

  1. W.176, fol. 56v
  2. Title: Visitation
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Lauds

fol. 74v:

  1. W.176, fol. 74v
  2. Title: Nativity-Adoration
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Prime

fol. 82v:

  1. W.176, fol. 82v
  2. Title: Annunciation to the Shepherds
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Terce

fol. 89v:

  1. W.176, fol. 89v
  2. Title: Adoration of the Magi
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Sext

fol. 96v:

  1. W.176, fol. 96v
  2. Title: Presentation in the Temple
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: None

fol. 103v:

  1. W.176, fol. 103v
  2. Title: Massacre of the Innocents
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Vespers

fol. 115v:

  1. W.176, fol. 115v
  2. Title: Flight into Egypt
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Hours of the Virgin: Compline

fol. 124v:

  1. W.176, fol. 124v
  2. Title: God the Father Blessing the Virgin
  3. Form: Full-page miniature
  4. Text: Advent Office of the Virgin

fol. 144r:

  1. W.176, fol. 144r
  2. Title: Initial "O" with the Virgin and John the Evangelist
  3. Form: Historiated initial "O," 8 lines
  4. Text: O intemerata

fol. 149r:

  1. W.176, fol. 149r
  2. Title: Initial "O" with the Christ Child
  3. Form: Historiated initial "O," 8 lines
  4. Text: O bone ihesu
  5. Comment:

    Marginal decoration of an armed monkey fending off a bird

fol. 152r:

  1. W.176, fol. 152r
  2. Title: Initial "M" with St. Michael vanquishing female demon
  3. Form: Historiated initial "M," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Michael

fol. 153r:

  1. W.176, fol. 153r
  2. Title: Initial "I" with St. John the Baptist pointing to lamb of God
  3. Form: Historiated initial "I," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. John the Baptist

fol. 154r:

  1. W.176, fol. 154r
  2. Title: Initial "P" with SS. Peter and Paul
  3. Form: Historiated initial "P," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to SS. Peter and Paul

fol. 155r:

  1. W.176, fol. 155r
  2. Title: Initial "O" with St. James the Greater
  3. Form: Historiated initial "O," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. James the Greater

fol. 156r:

  1. W.176, fol. 156r
  2. Title: Initial "A" with St. Christopher and the Christ Child
  3. Form: Historiated initial "A," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Christopher

fol. 157r:

  1. W.176, fol. 157r
  2. Title: Initial "B" with St. Sebastian
  3. Form: Historiated initial "B," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Sebastian

fol. 158r:

  1. W.176, fol. 158r
  2. Title: Initial "A" with St. Blasius
  3. Form: Historiated initial "A," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Blasius

fol. 159v:

  1. W.176, fol. 159v
  2. Title: Initial "S" with St. Anthony of Padua
  3. Form: Historiated initial "S," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Anthony of Padua

fol. 160v:

  1. W.176, fol. 160v
  2. Title: Initial "S" with St. Francis
  3. Form: Historiated initial "S," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Francis

fol. 161v:

  1. W.176, fol. 161v
  2. Title: Initial "U" with St. Catherine
  3. Form: Historiated initial "U," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Catherine

fol. 162v:

  1. W.176, fol. 162v
  2. Title: Initial "A" with St. Barbara
  3. Form: Historiated initial "A," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Barbara

fol. 163v:

  1. W.176, fol. 163v
  2. Title: Initial "M" with St. Mary Magdalene
  3. Form: Historiated initial "M," 8 lines
  4. Text: Suffrage to St. Mary Magdalene


The binding is not original.

Re-bound in seventeenth-century dark crimson leather with beveled edges, produced in France or Russia; black border with gilt foliate design, ribbed spine with same gilt design and initials "O. B. V."; gilt page edges, cast and pierced metal clasp that hinges from upper board


Bruges; illuminated in style of Master of the Prayerbooks, ca. 1500; owner associated with Franciscan Order and Utrecht diocese (fol. 160v)

Rebound in seventeenth century in France or Russia

Russia, St. Petersburg, armorial bookplate engraved "Bibliotheca Suchtelen/ Aequa Mente"; name of library stamped on fol. 164v, nineteenth century

L.P. "Urusof" Ouroussoff, nineteenth-century Russian ex libris on front and back flyleaves "Omg. IV No. 12 (123)" and "Ex libris / du Prince L. P. Ouroussoff"

A. Polovtsoff, Paris, November 14, 1910 sale to Cornuau, penciled note on flyleaf "Ravissant Manuscrit Flamand du XV Siecle"

Henry Walters, purchased from unknown seller between 1910 and 1931


Walters Art Museum, 1931, by Henry Walters' bequest


De Ricci, Seymour, and W. J. Wilson. Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the United States and Canada. Vol. 1. New York: H. W. Wilson Company, 1935; p. 807, cat. no. 307.

Miner, Dorothy. Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages and Renaissance: An Exhibition Held at the Baltimore Museum of Art. Baltimore: Trustees of the Walters Art Gallery, 1949; cat. no. 136.

Spencer, E.P. Fruit and Flowers. Exhibition Catalogue, Baltimore Museum of Art, 1961. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1961; pp. 8, 19.

Diringer, David. The Illuminated Book: Its History and Production. Revised edition. NY: Philosophical Library, 1967; p. 452.

Owens, M.B. "Musical Subjects in the Illumination of Books of Hours from Fifteenth-Century France and Flanders." Ph.D. diss, University of Chicago, 1987; p. 390.

Wieck, Roger S. Time Sanctified: The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life. Exhibition Catalogue. Baltimore, Walters Art Gallery. NY: George Braiziller, 1988; pp. 119, 216, cat. no. 100, fig. 100.

Randall, Lilian M. C. Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts in the Walters Art Gallery. Vol. 3, Belgium, 1250-1530. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press in association with the Walters Art Gallery, 1997; pp. 465-470, cat. no. 287.

As-Vijvers, Anne Margreet. "More than Marginal Meaning? The Interpretation of Ghent-Bruges Border Decoration." Oud-Holland: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse kunstgeschiedenis 116 (2003): 3-33; pp. 14, 30.


Principal cataloger: Randall, Lilian M.C.

Cataloger: Shartrand, Emily

Editor: Herbert, Lynley

Copy editor: Dibble, Charles

Conservators: Owen, Linda; Quandt, Abigail

Contributors: Emery, Doug; Noel, William; Tabritha, Ariel; Toth, Michael B.; Valle, Chiara; Wiegand, Kimber


The Walters Art Museum


Licensed for use under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Access Rights, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode. It is requested that copies of any published articles based on the information in this data set be sent to the curator of manuscripts, The Walters Art Museum, 600 North Charles Street, Baltimore MD 21201.